Katharina Schulthess, project manager at HOLINGER Winterthur, is committed to the future of settlements. Now with her representing Young Professionals on the Swiss Wastewater Association (VSA) board, her peers are also benefiting from her engagement.
Katharina Schulthess is always enthusiastic about contributing to the future of settlements. She loves looking for new solutions and ideas and discussing them in various networks. As an environmental engineer at HOLINGER AG Winterthur, she manages various projects in her specialist field of urban drainage. Her focus is on topics related to stormwater management and sponge cities. Since she was elected by the Swiss Wastewater Association (VSA) in May 2023 to represent VSA Young Professionals on the board, she has been able to make an even greater impact and do more for her peers. In this way, the interests of young professionals in the water industry are being promoted and dialogue with experienced water industry professionals is being strengthened. It is a win-win situation with a positive impact on the environment.