Municipal depot on the former WWTP site
The Luxembourg-Bonnevoie wastewater treatment plant was decommissioned in 2015. In 2020, the City of Luxembourg entrusted HOLINGER with the remediation of the site, the removal of pollutants and the demolition of various buildings. We are also building new halls for the maintenance and service department located there. Besides a vehicle and storage hall, the project includes a flushing system for the vacuum trucks and a photovoltaic system on the roof to produce sustainable energy. HOLINGER was responsible for the structural and mechanical engineering of the new building and was also entrusted with the site management.
Our tasks
- Initiation of the decommissioning of the former sewage treatment plant
- Mandatory report for the environmental authority with analysis of contaminated sites and building pollutants
- Planning and tendering of remediation and deconstruction works
- Supervision of site remediation and related construction and deconstruction
- Preparation and installation of deconstruction materials
- Design, tendering and construction supervision of the new hall