Progressive and proximate – for people and nature

Our business model is all about sustainable growth, progressive ideas and customer proximity. We are committed to open and transparent management while our corporate governance follows national and international best practices. 


The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management, supervision and control of the company, while the Management Board
is responsible for the operational management of HOLINGER. The members of the two bodies are introduced below.


Management Board


[Translate to englisch:]
Markus Flory

Dept. CEO, Regional Manager AG/Ticino/Central

Timo Dittrich

Regional Manager DE-North/East

Dr. Martin Wett

Regional Manager DE-South

[Translate to englisch:]
Ulrich Brökling

Regional Manager DE-West

Rolf A. Gartmann

Regional Manager Northwest Switzerland

Daniela Nussle

Regional Manager Zurich / East Switzerland

Jürg Schweizer

Regional Manager West Switzerland

Elias Winz

Regional Manager Bern/Midlands


Board of Directors